Thursday, June 14, 2007

Ware Poets Open Poetry Competition 2007

I have had some good news today. I won 4th Prize in the annual Ware Open Poetry Competition with 'Theatre of War: Summer 1940'. According to the competition organizers there were 1269 entries so it was nice to have a poem singled out. My poem was listed with some poets that I know and value (Michael Henry, Jenny Hamlett, Andre Mangeot). It was also very pleasing to be picked out by Tamar Yoseloff, as she is a poet-critic I have come to value of late (more of that later).

There is going to be a competition reading so if you are in or around Herfordshire on Friday 6th July 2007 then there will be a reading at 8.00pm at the Ware Arts Centre. The first half will be the competition winners. The second half will Tamar Yoseloff.

See there!


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