The Lake District

I have just spent a research day down at the Chelsea College of Art and Design. I have been reading Visual Poetry to Digital Art: Image-Sound-Text, Convergent Media and the development of New Media Languages. This is the PhD thesis of the new media artist Maria Mencia. I had hoped to read this document on-line or at the British Library. Unfortunately neither of these two options were available to me so I e-mailed Maria in Australia and she kindly arranged for her library to let me have a look at the original.
I have just been reading the Joy of Six website. This site is a masterpiece of web design. It is subtle and sexy and presents the poetry of these five fine poets in a new and very favourable light. It features sound, animation and images. However, it is neither flashy nor designed to draw attention to itself. I can see that this kind of site is going to blur the line between a website designed to promote an artist and an actual work of art.