Narrative Laboratory Seminars, Spring 2006, De Montfort University
Find out what's new in digital content and who's looking for it
Narrative Laboratory for the Creative Industries
4 Private Seminars at De Montfort University - Membership by Application Only
High-quality digital content is a priority for the creative industries, whether it's gaming, broadcasting, publishing, tourism, or software. It's also important to authors in search of the right kind of media for their fiction, hypermedia, journalism, poetry, or many other kinds of writing.
The NLab Network connects small creative businesses with writers to generate pioneering partnerships creating digital stories and other narratives. Network members come together to find out what makes them different from each other, what connects them, and how they can forge new collaborations.
For this series, membership is free but limited by application, and members will be selected to ensure a creative balance of expertise and interest. Priority will be given to applicants from the East Midlands. See below for how to apply.
SEMINARS March-June 2006
NLAB members will be invited to four private seminars at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. Each seminar will focus on digital narrative content for a specific area and include a guest speaker, panel discussion, and workshop. The final dates are yet to be confirmed, but the weeks in which seminars are planned to take place are:
* Broadcasting & Publishing w/c 27th March 2006
* Blogs, Communities, and Social Software w/c 24th April 2006
* Games w/c 22nd May 2006
* Tourism & Heritage w/c 26th June 2006
NLab members will also receive invitations to the NLab National Conference, planned for July 2006 and featuring national and international speakers in a full day of reports from the sharp edge of digital narrative content. The conference will be open to the public but free of charge to members of the NLab Network.
Email Jess Laccetti at with the following information:
* how membership of NLab would contribute to your professional development
* your name, address, email, url, and artform / profession.
* confirmation that, if selected, you will attend all five events.
Please note that priority will be given to applicants from the East Midlands, but if you live outside the region do still apply because we may need your skills in the mix.
Deadline for applications: 15th January 2006
Notification of decision: 1st February 2006
Narrative Laboratory for the Creative Industries, De Montfort University
Please address any queries to Jess Laccetti at
NLab was created with funding to De Montfort University from HEIF2, a partnership between the Department of Trade and Industry/Office of Science and Technology (DTI/OST), HEFCE, and the Department for Education and Skills (DfES). Funds are awarded to support universities and colleges in their third stream engagement with business and community partners, increasing their capability to respond to the needs of business, public services and the wider community, and to transfer knowledge.