Interesting conference CFP
CFP Technoculture
Computers and Writing Online 2007
February 5 through February 9, 2007
Conference Co-Chairs:
Dr. Keith Dorwick,
The University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Dr. Kevin Moberly,
St. Cloud State University
Conference Co-Chairs Keith Dorwick and Kevin Moberly
are seeking synchronous and asynchronous presentations
that address a wide conception of scholarship that
focuses on a range of issues that could be briefly
summed up as “technology and society,” or, perhaps, “technologies and societies.” Successful papers for this online conference should focus on the ways humanists read technology as a special case of cultural studies.
In particular, the conference co-chairs are interested
in a conception of “technology” and the “humanist
impulse” that pushes beyond contemporary American
culture and its fascination with computers; we seek
papers that deal with any technology or technologies
in any number of historical periods from any relevant theoretical perspective.
Presentations from scholars in all disciplines who are
working on the intersection of culture and technology
(see our now lapsed call for "Technoculture," a
special issue of Interdisciplinary Humanities archived
on this site for a further description of our
interests) are welcome. Papers need not focus on
writing instruction, in spite of the name of the
conference, to be considered. Papers about how to do
or work with technology that do not look beyond the
use of technology to its cultural meaning will NOT be
NOTE ABOUT THE CONFERENCE: For years, the research of
scholars involved with the connections between
computers and writing (CW) has focused largely on,
well, “computers” and “writing.” With the continued
maturation of that sub-discipline, CW scholars have
begun to think about a wider conception of our own
work, with research and teaching that focuses on a
range of issues that could be briefly summed as
“technology and society.”
Successful presentations for Computers and Writing
Online 2007 should focus on the ways compositionists
and other scholars currently studying the use of
technology might rethink our work and move beyond
composition to a larger focus on cultural studies that
could include but not be as dependent on writing
The keynote events will consist of panels comprising
first, second and third generation scholars (those who
founded the subdiscipline without specific training in
CW but in other areas of English studies; those
trained by those first wave scholars specifically in
CW; and those new voices trained by specialists by
training and research now graduating and entering
their careers) and other online events that focus on
where we’ve been and where we need to go.
For both asynchronous and synchronous events, eight
page papers will be due in .doc, .rtf, .pdf (or the
hypertext equivalent) and placed on the website for pre-conference
reading by Jan. 31, 2007; discussions will follow
during the conference period. The conference will be
held February 5 through February 9, 2007. Synchronous
events will be held in AcadianaMOO at; asynchronous events will be
held on the Computers and Writing website.
One page conference proposals due to by midnight, Friday November
17, 2006.
Dr. Keith Dorwick
Assistant Professor of English and Rhetoric
Department of English
The University of Louisiana at Lafayette
P.O. Box 44691
Lafayette, LA 70504-4691
Internet (VoIP) Number: 1 (773) 362 4707